Mes critiques

vendredi 3 avril 2020

Hades Hangmen- I do, babe

Nom du livre:Hades Hangmen- I do, babe
Nom de la collection:Hades Hangmen 
Auteure:Tillie Cole
Date de sortie:25 avril 2017
Prix:9,15 $(en papier)1,68$(électronique)
Âges:16 ans +



Connected since childhood.
Two souls: one dark and one pure.
Bracing to take the greatest step of all.

River ‘Styx’ Nash loves his woman. Ever since he met Mae at the fence of the cult that had kept her captive as a child, he has never loved anyone else. He loves her black hair, her pale skin and of course, her ice-blue ‘wolf eyes’.

Since Mae came crashing back into his life, his only wish has been to marry her; finally to make her his wife. But now the wedding is booked, and only weeks from forever having Mae by his side, a lifelong problem is plaguing him.
He wants to marry her; he has never wanted anything more . . .
. . . if only he could speak the words and declare it to the world.

Salome ‘Mae’ Nash’s life had been filled with heartache and pain . . . until, at age eight, she met a strange dark-haired boy from the outside world. Years later, and reunited with her great love, Mae is ready to solder her heart to his. Finally, Mae is getting ready to marry her man. But her fiancé has become withdrawn. Something is deeply troubling him.
But Mae has no idea what.
Or what to do to help.

Can Styx open up and conquer his deepest pain? Or will the infamous Hangmen Mute allow his fears to overcome his love for Mae and watch their much-anticipated wedding crumble to dust ?


Il faut savoir qu'à la base, Styx n'est pas mon personnage favori de la saga, plus les tomes avancent, plus il devient irritant et égoïste. Par contre, l'histoire de Mae et Styx reste hyper jolie et c'est ce qui m'a poussé à lire cette nouvelle. Alors qu'une menace plane sur son club, Styx tente de gérer ce problème tout en sentant de se préparer son mariage. Et essayer de parler de ses sentiments à Mae devant tous sans bégayer. Touchant, même ma haine, n'a pas survécu durant cette lecture, l'affection, la passion, l'amour qui unit ses âmes soeurs est d'une douceur, d'un dur combat entamer pour se retrouver. L'espoir les anime plus que tout, sans parler de leur première rencontre, leur premier baiser partagé sous le signe de l'interdit. Et puis, la relation qui réunit Lila, Maddie, Phebe, Bella et Mae sont encore une fois, abordé de manière tellement magnifique par ici, sans parler du mariage banalement et simplement beau.
Un petit spin-off qui nous rappelle une romance qui a fait tout débuter.

Une touchante nouvelle qui offre la pêche et encore plus de Tillie
J'ai complètement adoré !


Extraits :
My whole fucking world.
Styx, Mae and Charon.

''Because you are my Hades, my misunderstood, tortured dark lord. And I am your queen, you Persephone, the blue-eyed women who saw through your shield and won the trophy of your heart. Forever to keep. Forever mine. And mine, forever, yours.''

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